I did find just a couple of pictures that I can post!
We went to Birch Bay, Washington for about 9 days. We stayed at the Worldmark right in the center of the bay with Bill and Lorrie, Karin and Jon, Steve and Kellie. They shared a suite and we had one with our kids. They all had a great time swimming at the 'hotel' and we made several day trips around the area. It was really neat to go out into the bay when the tide was out.. you could walk quite far out! The kids collected shells and chased the 'shadow-fishies'. The water was surprisingly warm!
We spent a day at a waterpark right in Birch Bay, which the kids LOVED!! Had to keep an eye on Cami the whole time though... she likes to wander off and do her ownsightseeing wherever we go!
On July 1st, we crossed the border and visited Vancouver, B.C., picnicking at Stanley Park on the waterfront and shopping on the 'elite' Robson Street. (That was top of Erin's list).
It was fabulous to eat some REAL chocolate and they even had Maltesers and Aero bars! And Turkish Delight! YUM!
Steve got some Ketchup flavored potato chips which we opened on the 4th back at the Bay, and I think everyone pretty much hated them except me? They were pretty good!!
We visited Blaine on the 4th for their parade and celebrations. It was alot of fun... kind of like the Church, ya know... everywhere you go, the Church is pretty much the same... so are 4th of July parades! Brandon and Cami were armed with large ziplock bags to hoard the bounty and they were not disappointed! And very happy!! And there were the usual homegrown entries in the parade... the local high school and middle school bands were actually very good!
4th of July night we spent at the Bay, and it was pretty spectacular to see the fireworks (real ones!) all the way up and down the bay. They kept going for a good hour and a half constantly. It makes me wonder why we live in Oregon.. where the fireworks are not allowed to be airborne above 3 feet! Nah.. not really! I LOVE Oregon! (Except on the 4th of July night... heehee)
We visited the quaint town of Lyndon... a cute little Dutch town with big windmills on the main street (where Mitch managed to lose his sunglasses.. a tradition for him when we go out!)
I bought some salted licorice to try out on the family... uhuh... they all hated it!! Surprise... NOT! It brought back lots of memories of my Nanna and Grandpa in Australia. They immigrated to Australia from the Netherlands with my mum when she was 9 years old.
It was a very fun and relaxing trip and we were so glad to catch up with Mitch's family! Good times!!!
What a fun trip!! Warm water at the beach in Washington? Saweet! Maltesers and Aero bars... YUM! Ketchup flavored chips... ew (but such bravery to try them!). Glad you guys had such a nice time. :)
ReplyDeleteOkay... time to update this blog sista!!!! I know you actually have pictures and things to blog about too!