A little bit behind the times.... Erin was in a serious car accident about 2 weeks ago. She and 2 friends were on Hwy 26 towards Banks when they hit a patch of ice or debris, over-corrected, rolled and skidded upside down for 110 feet. We got the dreaded 1:30am call from the hospital.. she had been spending the night at her friend's house, so we had no idea she was even out.
The good news, though, is that she and her friends came out pretty much unscathed! A few bruises, a few cuts (a lot of smashed glass!) but nothing life-threatening, they were definitely being looked out for! They were all wearing seat-belts.. in fact, Erin had said that hers wasn't working properly when they got in the car, so they had taken the time to fix it before they left. Yep, they were certainly blessed! And I'm very grateful!